Top 5 Public Records Mistakes

Article PDF August 2023   1. Taking too long. Every state has a law requiring government agencies to respond to public records requests within a certain timeframe. Some states require agencies to acknowledge to the requester they have received the request within...

NIBRS: Getting It Right

Article PDF May 2023 When looking at NIBRS implementation and the ability to handle it successfully, agencies should ask the following: Have we prepared for the reporting and quality control changes which are required for NIBRS? Does our policy establish what...

Is It a Record Or Is It Evidence?

Article PDF The confusion regarding whether an item is a record or evidence can be easily eliminated with one simple statement: it can be both. This confusion typically occurs when the time comes to purge records and/or evidence, as well as when agencies begin...

Digital Evidence Management

February 2023 Carl Brooks, ConsultantPRI Management Group Save article PDF Constantly changing technology. A profession always seeking ways to adapt to the changes. That is law enforcement in 2023. In recent years, a particularly challenging issue has been the...