The Problem with NIBRS

Article PDF The FBI had set a goal for all U.S. law enforcement agencies to transition to NIBRS reporting by January 2021.  As of today, only slightly more than half of them have done so. What are the ramifications of not reporting? Why has this happened?...

NIBRS: Getting It Right

Article PDF May 2023 When looking at NIBRS implementation and the ability to handle it successfully, agencies should ask the following: Have we prepared for the reporting and quality control changes which are required for NIBRS? Does our policy establish what...

Is It a Record Or Is It Evidence?

Article PDF The confusion regarding whether an item is a record or evidence can be easily eliminated with one simple statement: it can be both. This confusion typically occurs when the time comes to purge records and/or evidence, as well as when agencies begin...

Digital Evidence Management

February 2023 Carl Brooks, ConsultantPRI Management Group Save article PDF Constantly changing technology. A profession always seeking ways to adapt to the changes. That is law enforcement in 2023. In recent years, a particularly challenging issue has been the...